Organization/Notification Guide
Guide for setting up personal notifications for the channels you want.
Last updated
Guide for setting up personal notifications for the channels you want.
Last updated
This will bring up the full channel list. Go through this list and select/uncheck the channels that you are interested in/not interested in.
This will reduce the channels that you have to go over and help you focus on the content that you desire the most.
If you would like to recieve notifications only for important deals/flips/cooks, these are often followed by a @everyone
or a @here
ping. You can set your notifications to only receive these pings.
Set your notification settings for the server to the settings below.
Mute the server categories inside the server, and set the notification settings to only @mentions
And you are done!
For additional support, you can always open a ticket in the EyeVault server.
Only @mentions
with suppress @everyone and @here
left unchecked. Enable Mobile Push Notifications
if you desire notifications from your Discord mobile app.Use Server Default (Only @mentions)
It is recommended that you check the server periodically (as long as you are able to) throughout the day in order to ensure that you are able to see/take advantage of all the deals/cooks/flips being provided. There is a plethora of information being posted every minute, you don't want to miss the next big thing! But if you do, there will always be more to come